Brown Tomato 100g Approx.41000 Seeds


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Quantity:100grams Approx.41000 Seeds

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$US 28.37 tax incl.

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Early spring is a time when the appearance of any sort of new fruit or vegetable is a celebrated novelty, especially a tomato. If you have been eating within the season (or as a "locavore") all winter, you have likely not seen a credible tomato since late September. If you have not let the seasons determine nor dictate your diet, then you have likely been eating good looking, but largely tasteless, tomatoes from the grocery store since last summer. Either way, most everyone is in a good position to appreciate a new tomato at this point.

The Kumato is a tomato with a particular color distinction – it is somewhat brown. Actually, it is a sort of amalgamation of brown, green and red, giving it a look that may appear less than appetizing to many who like their tomatoes red and only red. But for anyone that has experience with some of the many varieties of heirloom tomatoes, that look anything but shiny and red, acceptance of the Kumato will come a bit easier.

Color aside, Kumato tomatoes have the distinction of being a variety of fruit originally from the Spanish Mediterranean (now, to keep up with demand they are grown everywhere from Belgium to Canada) and some would say they are sweeter and more nuanced than average store-bought tomatoes. At about the size of a golf ball, these tomatoes certainly exceed any expectation of a packaged supermarket tomato. They are indeed sweet, with a balanced tartness, and a flesh that is firm, juicy, and akin to an overgrown cherry tomato. Supposedly this enhanced sweetness is due to their "brix level" (fructose content), which is naturally higher than that of traditional red tomatoes.

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