Chimonanthus praecox - Seeds

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Chimonanthus praecox - Seeds
Quantity: 40 Bulk Seeds
Flowers Color: Pale Yellow

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Name: Chimonanthus praecox

Quantity: 40 bulk Seeds
Category: Shrubs / Trees
Height: 1.8-4.7m
Spacing: 1.8-2.4 m
Hardiness:Zones 6-9
Sun Exposure:Sun to Partial Shade
Bloom Color: Pale Yellow
Bloom Time: Late Winter/Early Spring/Mid Winter
Foliage: Deciduous
Other details: Flowers are fragrant
Propagation Methods: From seed; winter sow in vented containers, coldframe or unheated greenhouse
Seed Collecting: Allow pods to dry on plant; break open to collect seeds

How to grow?

1. Obtain Seeds.

2. Scarify seed by nicking the seed coat or scrubbing the seed coat with a nail file (just a little so that water can better penetrate through the seed coat); be careful not to damage the white embryo inside, especially near the eye. Soak for at least 36 hours in water (warm water if possible; but not a big deal); if the seed is floating on the water, it is still most likely fine (that does not mean the seed is not viable).Soak for at least 36 hours in water (warm water if possible; but not a big deal); if the seed is floating on the water, it is still most likely fine (that does not mean the seed is not viable).

3. Remove seed coat: do this very carefully, it is easiest to pry open along the central line of the seed. A bit of damage to the embryo is fine, but that is limited to the “seed leaf” section; do NOT damage the “eye” where the tap root will originate (the “eye” is the tiny white dot at the pointy end of the seed-easily seen prior to coat removal).

4.Remove resilient layer: after removing seed coat there is still a fibrous thin ivory colored skin enveloping the embryo; remove this very carefully.

5. Place the “naked” embryo on paper towel in tray.

6. Cover tray with paper towel; wet the paper towel thoroughly, drain excess water (so that the seed lay in a moist but not soaking environment).

7. Cover tray with plastic wrap or place tray in a zip-lock bag to maintain humidity and prevent dry-out. Place tray in sheltered bright place, ideally no strong sunlight, by a window is good. Ideal temperature is around 75 degrees Fahrenheit (or room temperature). Too much warmth (ie: outside temperature >85 degrees Fahrenheit) can cause damping-off, rotting.

8. Check upon the seeds everyday. It should take around 3 days, but can take up to 2 week; my average has been 3 days.

9. Once tap root emerge, you may plant the seed (vertically, with the tap root end down)in moist soil (Wintersweet is not very picky about soil, good draining soil is best; even the water retaining peat moss is fine for seedling). Cover with a slight layer of soil (2-3mm). Again place in bright light in room temperature. Seedling should start to emerge in 5-10 days. Tip: I like to let the tap root grow out to be at least 5mm before planting in soil; the tap root may start to grow out little “hairs” but that is not root rot, just normal and should not affect seedling survival. Warning: do not over pamper seedling with over-watering. Keep soil moist but not soggy.

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