Fraxinus (Common Ash) - Seeds

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Quantity: 100 Bulk Seeds

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$US 1.59 tax incl.

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Quantity: 100 Bulk Seeds

Green ash is popular as a shade tree in residential areas because of its good form and 
adaptability to a wide range of sites. 
Windbreak: Green ash is used frequently in windbreaks and shelterbelt plantings. It is recommended to plant the tree in the central rows of multi-row windbreaks.
Use:Livestock: Green ash stems are browsed by livestock. Cattle utilize green ash habitats for shade, water, protection, and shelter during calving season.
Plant common ash for its height, grace and spread. In ideal conditions, ash trees can grow to heights of more than 100 feet, with spreads of 60 feet, but more often they'll be 70 to 80 feet tall, according to the University of Florida Extension. Though the emerald ash borer has decimated the ash population in the United States, it's worth trying to grow this beautiful shade tree. You can propagate it from seed, though you'll wait a long time before it grows tall.
How to Grow

1.  Separate the seeds from the chaff. Place the seeds in a paper envelope and put them in the freezer.

2. Leave the envelope in the freezer for the winter. This process, called dry cold stratification, mimics weather conditions outdoors and is necessary for ash seed germination.

3. Remove the seeds from the refrigerator in mid-April. Fill a seed tray or flat with soilless potting mix and sow the ash seeds on top. Cover with an additional 1/2 inch of potting mix and moisten thoroughly.

4. Set the flat in a sunny, warm room, keeping it moist for the next two weeks. Seeds will germinate and sprout if they are viable. Thin the seedlings to 6 inches apart. Transplant them into individual pots full of moist potting soil when they reach heights of 2 inches.

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